It’s not easy to choose. It’s even more hard when the bands are unknown, but the experience can be surprisingly overwhelming :)
Thursday, 31.10, it’s easy – you go directly to official opening concert with Kajsa Balto, one of the best new Sami voices. She is going to share with us her latest album “Rajas” at Driv.
You have more energy, so either you choose the fabulous voice of Aïta Mon Amour mixed with oud and electronic. The other way goes to Bastard with the dance queen Sofia Kourtesis from Peru. You will not only feel Peru in her vibes, but Berlin & London as well :)

You need a warm up – check out disco, funk, electro dance outfit Yin Yin at Blårock on Wednesday, 30.10
Friday, 01.11, we start early with clinic + concert with jazz magicians Flukten at Amtmandens. If that’s too early don’t be desperate and jump into the ocean of sounds from Marianna Sangita & TJO – it’s going to be an amazing swim in many world’s oceans.

After the swim, we go and support the Palestinian artist Bashar Murad who plays at Storgata Camping. We need to do that.
Afterparty – oh yeah! It’s a hard choice between the Dominican Republic wonderkid J Noa who is probably the next big rapper and the female dominance – double concert with the traditional electronic virtuosos Ana Lua Caiano from Portugal and Daniela Pes from Italy
Saturday, 02.11, it’s a heavy day in a good way. Tromsø World FREE program is a daytime free of charge event and you can taste both music, food, teather plays, excibitions, from all over the world in the middle of Tromsø – check out the program at our webside
The evening program starts the cora virtuoso Momi Maiga from Senegal, playing at Kulturhuset and at the same venue Bel Canto is presenting their new album Radiant Green.

If you are into fado then you go straight to HT to check the Portugues Soul, if you are more into upbeat, don’t miss the TIF at Driv. This is one-of-a-kind opportunity to see the amazing artist from Algeria.
Ready for afterparty? Two choices – Congolian arfro-punk-rumba Kin’gonglo Kiniata at Amtmandens or the sweaty dance floor at Bastard with Saliah from Lebanon. There’s no wrong choice!
Let’s create Tromsø an even better place!